
Rebate Strategist University

Transforming your Rebates with a Reset 

It’s time to take a step back and re-evaluate your rebates. Are they driving the behavior you want to see, every time? Probably not.   

Good thing class is in session!  

Rebate Strategist University is back, and our teacher, Mark Gilham, is here to instruct you on:  

  • Unpacking the concept of a rebate reset  
  • How to build strong and robust rebate programs  
  • Crafting measurable and actionable objectives   
  • Measuring rebate program success  

Join us on this journey as we empower you to master the art of a rebate reset.  

Mark Gilham Headshot

Mark Gilham
VP & Evangelist, Enable

RSU rebate strategy for managers

Watch Now!


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