White Paper
The Annual State of Volume Rebates for Manufacturers 2022
While consolidation forces trading decisions between partners away from the local level to a more abstract corporate level, more and more businesses operate in silos. This means that trading partners’ data-sharing fluidity is broken, resulting in disputes that further erode trust and complicate end service to the customer.
With all this bad news, seeing a light at the end of the tunnel for a struggling supply chain may at first seem difficult. But there is a light—and that light is rebates.
That being said, Enable decided to survey nearly 250 manufacturers across 14 industries about their volume rebate programs. We wanted to learn more about how trading partners use their rebates, how important rebates are to business and the challenges trading partners face in executing their rebates. Some of what we learned confirmed what we already knew— that many manufacturers already use rebate programs to increase trust and influence long-term behavioral changes. But we uncovered some challenges too: namely that communication is a difficult barrier to overcome.
Download this white paper to discover:
- An Overview of Manufacturer Rebate Programs
- Opportunities for Improvement: Awareness and Analytics
- Opportunities for Improvement: Reporting
- Where Do Manufacturers Go from Here